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:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
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School's Out

I had stayed  up to 12 working on homework.
I woke up at 5 to the sound of my alarm, and the wind. With my foggy brain I decided to sleep in one hour instead of spending forever on my hair or whatever I do within that hour ( honestly, I don't know why I have that alarm on, cuz I always ignore it and sleep the extra hour.)
But then I couldn't go back to sleep. The wind was too noisy, I tossed and turned, but the house was creaking, things were blowing around, and I swear my bed was shaking. As soon as I started to drift off, my alarm went off for 6, and then I had no choice but to get up. After lazily tossing an outfit together, and then the thought occurred to me. School might be canceled with wind like this.
Looking out the window was *scary*, trees were doing the limbo, and trash cans were flying, and the lights started surging on and off. Yup, if school wasn't going to be canceled, I would be shocked. I rushed to my mom's room and asked her if we could check the news online to see if it really was, but we couldn't find anything. We found out that the winds were going up to 95 miles an hour, and that a semi truck got pushed over from the wind. So, I squished two coats on, and started walking outside, when my mom stopped me and forbid me from going to the bus stop. I wasn't going to go when my bus had a high chance of tipping over.
It wasn't until after school though that my mom got an email saying school tomorrow was going to be cancled because they had to clean up after the mess, and some schools had lost power.
REALLY?!?! They were going to wait until after the storm to cancel school?
-___-' I'm worried about my safety at school now....

^w^ My sister and I goofing off on our day off of school :P I know our skin's a little nuanced compared to real color, but I don't care anymore...


katelcy8407 said...

Last year the power went out during final exams, but our teachers made us keep going. Also, wonce in winter every school (district)in the area was closed and ours wasn't. :) it was terrible. :)

goldfish_lovin said...

Ahh sooo crazy! I have a friend who lives in Pasadena and her school got cancelled too. First we got school closed for a Hurricane and flooding on the east coast, and now school is closing in CA for wind! It's going to be a crazy year.

Anonymous said...

I really hope not! I have a math test tomorrow, and I haven't gotten the chance to study with the teacher's help!