Thanks for reading my blog!

:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
For any questions, complaints, or suggestions, or whatever email me at


... What is Guard?

So- whenever I mention guard, or comp I get the usual reaction- O.o what's Guard?

It's really easy....
Guard is spinning, not twirling. Guard is when a gun isn't a gun, it's a rifle, and when a sword is now a sabre. The 6 foot ones are flags, and the little twin ones are swing flags. Guard is when you're friends can hit you with a pole, and you won't hate them for it. Guard is a "no bubble" zone. Guard is practicing in a band room with a ceiling too short, and fighting for the gym because nobody thinks that guard is an important sport. Guard is skipping down the hallway barefoot and with a flag tucked under your arms, ignoring all the people staring. Guard is when you go running to you're friends crying and they pull out their 6 foot pole for the jerk who hurt you. Guard is parallels when you're happy. Guard is mustaches and monocles. Guard is when you find yourself spinning the broom when you know you're suppose to be sweeping the floor, and when you twirl your pencil like a flag. Guard is - ice cream scoop, circle in front DO A FREAKING SPACIAL! Guard is when you can shout "JAM IT!!!" and everybody in the team knows that you've jammed your finger, while innocent bystanders stare at you for swearing so loud. Guard is when you perform on a sprained ankle, even though you know you shouldn't. Guard is when you laugh if somebody ask you if a pole hits your face. Guard is Drama. Guard is when you wear your BDU's everywhere cuz their that comfortable. Guard is doing push-ups, then doing you're routine again. Guard is when you're bored you Google search uniforms and flags during your free time, or look up songs you can spin to. Guard is using your flag for a blanket and hiding so you won't get tickled. Guard is when half the people there are 5'2" and the pole is 6 feet long. Guard is sock buns and 50 bobby pins in your hair. Guard is when you're sore, but you don't notice because you've been sore for so long. Guard is bruises up your arms and reassuring everyone you're not in a abusive relationship. Guard is when you realize you had a life before guard, and now you can't quit because you don't have one without it anymore.  Guard is life.

Picture version:


Better than the Turtle

So I was talking to my friend. I was going to tell them I had a song stuck in my head, but instead, I kinda spiced it up a bit by making an English assignment version ( you know, the dinosaur represents me enjoying the song and the turtle represents me being sick of the song at the same time. The dinosaur won because the song's epic) AND then I decided to draw a real quick picture for it- by then I decided to post it. :)
(the song was Wake Me Up- Eminessence we were listening to songs for Guard)

I told you " Don't bug that dinosaur" But nooooo....

and now for my 30 day challenge.
:'( sorry but I don't' have time to scan right now, so here's a gorgeous sketch of me.

Enjoy your Day!
~ The Tired and Lazy Zebraunicornasiss


^w^ I want these bedrooms

:D So I was surfing the web and I came across these images. These are pretty much the most epic rooms ever :) enjoy

How I wish my room looked:

Not my dream bedroom:


30 day challenge... >:) Challenge accepted

I'm pretty certain I've done this repeated amount of times... in one day, but hey! :D it's something to do! After every post, I'll be adding my challenge. No- I'm not going to do it one after another (I'm not crazy), just after each post.
:3 let's see how this goes.... any ideas to do after the 30 days? :( It kinda seems a little short for me...


:D Quick story of when I was wittle

So Once upon a time, in 4th grade I decided I not only liked to draw, but I liked to write stories about my friends and I. At first, they were fictional stories, I was a flying squirrel and my friends were blue birds, guienea pigs, horses, etc, etc. I and Tiddley (the bird) were the destructive ones who did anything to get their hands on candy while our "mommy" Snuggles (the bunny) tried to keep us from destroying the planet. But not that I've read a few from when I was little (but then lost them :( sorry I wish I could post them) They don't make any sense.
The end!


Driving to California

Struggling to get out of bed, I manage to drag my lifeless body across the room. After my brain registers that I have stumbled into the bathroom, I start brushing my hair to get ready for school. 
“Are you excited to go to California this today?” My mom asks.  By the way she looks, I can tell that she’s been up for a while. Unfortunately, she’s caught me off guard. Honestly, I’m not looking forward to going to California. While my hands were a zombie’s, my brain tries searching for a positive spin on the trip to watch my brother graduate from the marines.  I miss my brother, and I’m skipping out of a math test that I haven’t studied for.  When I try to think of the cons, the only thing that comes up is that I’m missing another competition, but that’s it.  Despite the fact that the “Pros” were winning in the argument quorum going in my head, my mind’s made its choice. I wasn’t very enthuastic about the trip.
My mom asked me again, and because of my restrained judgment, I tell the truth, “not really.” Almost as soon as I say it, I realize the mistake I made. My mom’s spent all of our extra money for this trip.
“Mr. Teacher, can you please send Eva to the Attendance office? She’s checking out. “
I swoop for my bag and almost bolt out of class before my driver’s ED teacher can show me one more seat belt commercial. Following my mom into the van, I cram into the back. I’m squished between my two sister’s car seats, and the air is already stale. Within hours, the cities dissolve into towns, and then into random houses in the middle of nowhere. The sun in the middle of the sky slowly descends behind the mountains. And then, when night clouds the sky, my beautiful mountains turn into silhouettes, and then vanish with the stars. Occasionally, we drive through canyons lit up with a huge yellow full moon.  As time comes by, I see civilization. A valley lighten up by buildings, shimmering gold. Suddenly I’m flashed by buildings of hues of red and purple. I’m seeing buildings of different shapes, all with different promising titles, even though they promise to sell the same thing: Bankruptcy.
Suddenly, I’m “Jumping for Joy” to view the California Beach