Thanks for reading my blog!

:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
For any questions, complaints, or suggestions, or whatever email me at


My first Black Friday

So- I went Black Friday shopping, This is going to be quick because of time. If you really want to know the whole story, go to my other blog

Main story:
I went with my dad and aunt and uncle because I was bored, and I needed boots

I got a fox hat, but I was debating on getting a cookie monster hat instead

It was crowded, and my bubble was popped

Apparently there was a fist fight over towels, and another fight was over waffle makers. O.o Here's my idea of what happened, exaggerated 


Thanksgiving Challenge!

#1 ) I've already posted 2 weeks ago what I'm thankful for, so sorry if you wanted me to be all thank-ing-ful, but I don't really need to repeat myself.
#2) I'm at my relatives, thus no scanner/ way of getting my art from my sketch pad into virtual world, and onto my blog.
#3) I have a challenge for you.
Instead of posting on Facebook or your Blog or whatever that you're thankful for your friends and family,
(or you could do both...) write a letter to each and every person that's touched your life. It doesn't have to be long, this isn't English.  : 3 I'm going to do the same. If it's possible, write it to them in hand, or if you want to get it to them now, I guess using the virtual world is ok, but writing it is better.

*update* I just realized I have drawings on FB.
:P I'll try to make them work....

I'm *soooo* grateful for Orchestra! I *loved* my 9th grade year because of these people below!

^ My friends, I really don't know what I'd be like if I didn't meet them...



Ya- I know, it's been awhile since I've been on, but I've been trying to keep up with my homework. ( Blech)
Anyways, for those who have been in Biology, or those who are in biology, this post is for you.

I drew this last year, and I messed with it on the computer, so the people are short and chubbier than I draw them now.... But it's all on a real account, these all did happen

If you can't read it (because I can hardly read it myself)
Me: This is so cool 
Nichi: Ewww!
( I did think it was cool, but the pickled worms in a jar were really gross)
Me: It's so cute! <3
Nichi: Can we just cut it open? 
Me: *stab* *stab* *poke*
Nichi: EVA! Focus!
Eva: Look at it!
Nichi: *not looking* I am NOT looking at it!
(She has a pet frog...)
Me: EEW!!! you poked it's eye out!!!
*fish looks like a zombie*
Me:  you cut it open!
Nichi:WHAT?!?! NO WAY!!!

And for those who want to see why the pickled worm haunted me....



Don't ask about the penguin. I didn't invite him.

-So- We all know today isn't only Veterans Day. It's Wishing day. Earlier, at 11:11 am, we got to make a wish, and our most epic awesome wish will be reserved for 11:11 pm. I don't know what I'm going to wish for, I used my serious wish for the am wish, so I might wish for something outrageous like to save the last of the unicorns or something like that.

Here are some Ideas on how to make a wish
11:11 - it's the best time to make a wish. It doesn't have to be today, it's just today is an epic day for an epic wish

Shooting star- not an airplane

Blow a dandelion. Make sure to wish for more dandelions.

Morning Stars. :) I have one I look at- it's right above of the mountain as of right now. Before Daylight savings, I could see it, and I'd wish that I'd have the courage to make it through the day.

:) now that I'm done here's a cool thought!

Tell me if it doesn't for for you- for me it does!

This isn't 11-11-11 related, but whatever

this one took me awhile.... I won't lie


Still Friends

I'm mad at you, I'm sick of you, I miss you, I get all happy talking to you. It doesn't matter about the emotion- I still think about you every day. Some days, I realize I'm over you, and we're just friends, like we've always been. Some days, I'm desperate to know if we're still even friends. But I'm still thinking of you, and I'll always want to be you're friend, and from my end, I'll still be you're friend. I'm not giving up on our friendship, I'm still going to be holding on, no matter what. It's all up to you for when you're going to let go. I know that any minute, you could let go, and break my heart and my trust in any minute. I won't lie, I want to pull myself away before that happens, but I want to be able to trust you more. Because, as long as you're still holding on, we're still friends.


Staring at the Clouds

Watching clouds is fun, but sometimes, you just have issues pointing out the cloud!
 It'll go like this: (sorry for the bad drawing effects

First, One person will see the shape, even if it's obvious, the other person won't see it.(or it won't be, either way, it'll be hard to find)

THEN you'll try pinning it out by saying something like "it's by the thin one, or It's by the one that looks like a platypus"

The worst part is why they try pointing it out to you, because from were you are, it looks like their pointing out a different cloud. Then, when they start trying to describe the cloud, but because you're looking at a different cloud, you won't see it.

By this point, I'll try making up that I saw it with my terrible lying skills.
..... Then, I'll see it. But by then, the wind will of messed it up, so it won't look much like it. But I'll be happy because I found it! :D

The End


How to get a hug when you're friends aren't there

I have these moments when I just need a hug. I swear, I run off of hugs, If I don't get one soon enough, then I emotionally die. Most of the time, this will happen when I get depressed about moving, or when I realized that I'm losing one of my best friends. Or - It'll just happen just cuz I feel like being sad. When I don't have anybody to hug, or I don't want to admit I'm depressed, this is what I'll do.

#1 Hug Myself

This usually doesn't work because in the end, I feel like a moron. :#) I really hope that I'm not the only one who does this......

#2 Hug My favorite stuffed animal, Lucky
He was a valentine's present from my dad. I hardly remember getting him, or naming him, but somehow, he became my favorite stuffed animal, and yes, I did talk to him. He's a very good conversationalist.

#3 I'll usually hug the closest thing to me, a pillow. I think my pillows get all lumpy from this though

#4 Get Virtual Comfort
I believe that virtual hugs are like real hugs, but a space in-between, a very large space. You know the person wants to comfort you, but you actually aren't hugging....
The issue of putting something like this on Facebook is that people start freaking out, and then you get a lot of people worrying if you're becoming depressed.

#5  If I'm not at the point of being depressed, I draw. 
I don't know why- but I don't like to draw when I'm extremely emotionally upset. Most people draw all this emo stuff, while I just sit in the corner of my bed staring at the ceiling. But once I'm out of that stage, I'll go hunting for a pencil and paper.

Ice cream on the first day of snow

So- Today My mom and I were getting icecream, on the first day it snowed. I know It sounded Ironic, but I wanted icecream, and my mom wanted icecream after I wanted icecream, so we went.
APPARENTLY it wasn't that weird, because when I got there, there were like ten families getting icecream too. It was like a hug wave of icecream wave of people driven by cravings were coming in, all at the same time, even though it was freezing, and we all should be hanging around the hot chocolate section, and buying turkeys for thanksgiving, and for the people who plan like 60 days in advance, getting presents and Christmas stuff. But buying icecream??? Really, that's for crazy people, like me.
THEN I realized that an icecream shortage might be coming up. What would we do, if icecream prices went up, like gas? What would we do then? Everyone would be rushing to the store, and stalk up on icecream makers, and icecream. You're favorite flavors, like moose track, or mango, would become extinct. Only the cheap strawberry icecream would be left, to become freezer burnt.
My solution? It's to have people stop eating so much icecream on the first day of snow! Everybody will have to use "icecream punch cards", saying what flavor they are, and how much icecream they have had.


So- I just noticed, I haven't explained what a Zebraunicornasiss is. It's pretty simple,
It's a Zebra, a Unicorn, and a Pegasus.
The story behind it? :3 thank you for asking ( I'll assume you asked)
Once Upon a 9th grade (last year :P) 
I drew on my hands like none other. It was ridiculous. I would draw on my hand all over, and I looked like a teenage delinquent. One of my favorite things to draw was a Pegasus on my hand. My friends and I would claim it to be "lucky" almost at the same time, my friends and I got into a web comic - warrior-u ( And we all were "given" a character. I was the evil physio unicorn (:D fits me- right?).
It all tied together when I had a "sub-bus", which was strangely a kindergarten bus. I knew this because there were animals above the bus seats. Above mine was a zebra.
Spending the whole day, I told everyone, I was a zebra. My friend gave me a weird look and asked, "You're a zebra, a pegasus, and a unicorn???" I looked at him and responded as if were obvious, "OF COURSE!" My other friends, who are not as critical, started giving name suggestions. Finally, we chose zeuniornasuss. After typing zeuniornasuss for so long, I typed Zebraunicornasiss, and it stuck!



I'm thankful for my friends
I'm thankful for my family, my faith, my education.
I'm thankful for my mom and dad's effort to reach out for me
I'm thankful for my health, that I can walk, talk, hear and see normally.
I'm thankful for rainy days, and songs that lift me up.
I'm thankful for nap times, and my internet
I thank the lord for every breath I take, and every minute the ones I love live also.
I'm thankful for Saturdays, and my teachers.
I'm thankful for being born in the correct gospel, and not having to search for it.
I'm thankful for the blessings he gives me to be comforted
I'm thankful for mud, and laughing, smiles, and candy.
I thank the lord for grass, things to hope for, and things that I've hoped for.
I'm thankful for love
I'm thankful


Once Upon A Time

Once Upon a Time....
There was a girl, she just entered Jr. High, and she was looking forward to it. She didn't expect to make any friends, she already had enough. She wasn't scared, she'd been to the building before, with her older siblings for school plays. She was prepared, and she thought she knew what was coming her way.
But, she didn't.
The first week, she kept missing the bus, desperately trying to open her locker. In most of her classes, she didn't know anybody, and only saw friends during lunch. Halls were crowded, and looking for her classes was difficult. She often didn't know if it were an A day or B day, and she'd spend half an hour in the wrong class.
But in the end, she found her feet. She made a few friends in P.E., but most of her "new" friends were from connections. She lost some old friends, from fights, or lack of communication.
The next year, she didn't like she was good enough, and "fitting in" was the biggest thing on her mind. She made  more friends, and she learned that she never could have enough friends. She also started dealing with drama at home, with her father's abuse to her mother. She found escape with friends, and talked to the ones she trusted. During the summer she proclaimed she was technically in 9th grade, so she was old enough for summer seminary, and that became her best escape. She invited friends, but most of the time, she went alone. The church became a whole new thing to her. Saying that she was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days saints meant everything to her. She found self worth, and that her Heavenly Father loved her.
9th grade was difficult at home still. The girl's parents were separated once during her 8th grade year, but during the beginning of her 9th grade year, her parents filed for divorce. The Girl looked up to her mom, for standing up for herself, and also finding self worth. The girl had a hard time forgiving her father for hurting her mom, and not trying hard enough to keep the family together. At School, the girl had found her closest friends, and she leaned on them, and the gospel, and loved every minute of seminary. The girl stopped talking much about family problems, not because she became closed from her friends, but because she didn't want to be reminded about it outside of home. But still found joy in talking to her friends and goofing off. Her friends were her world, and she didn't know what she could do without them. Her two best friends went to her to the seminary building often. When life was hard during school, and she had seen or heard enough things that frustrated her, seminary with her friends during lunch was an escape. There, she felt safe. Nothing could hurt her.
Her mom informed her her father had received the house, and that her family would have to move out, she didn't know where, or when. The girl prayed that she would find a house nearby, so she wouldn't lose her friends. Later, the girl was informed again by her mother, they would be moving around her relatives so her mother could receive family support, and because a college up there well known for their nursing program. (what her mom was planning to go into). Devastated, the girl clung to her friends, trying to spend much time with them as possible.
Summer was hard. The moving date kept moving, and she didn't know how much longer she had. The girl went to summer seminary, but this time, but not alone with friends. When she moved, she was certain she'd never fit into the new environment. People talked the same, wore the same clothes, but the girl felt like everything was different. More people weren't active in the church, or weren't in it at all. Some went to church every week, but outside, they didn't follow the church. The girl made a vow she would never lower her standards, or to ever lose her friends. The girl hated all her classes, she had no friends, even though she wanted them badly.
Talking to her old friend, he told her to move on. That she was living somewhere else, but trying to live where she wasn't. Other friends tried to cox her to into stop staring at the past, and to move on. Her friends were making new friends, and with some, she was certain she'd been forgotten, or replaced. She clung to the gospel still, and found that while everything else had changed, it hadn't. None of this was God's fault, if anything, this was for her to become a better person.
Finally, the girl tried to take the advice she was given. The girl realized that many of the kids there were reaching out to her. Gratefully, she accepted that, and became friends with many of them, and she thanks the lord for sending them to her, like her other friends.

Now, this girl is still making friends, still trying to keep her close friends from her previous city, and staying close to the gospel. She feels many of her friends slipping away, and it hurts her. But some of her friends are still there for her, and she feels like she can still talk to her about anything. Her mother stands closer to feeling self worth. The girl often finds herself feeling like this is all a dream, and soon, she'll find herself back to where she started, in the beginning of seventh grade. The girl sometimes feels down, but she realizes that everyday, she's becoming more and more like herself.
That Girl is a Zebraunicornasiss. That Girl is Me.
And I'm still trying to live the gospel all the way, so that way I can live
Happily Ever After.