Thanks for reading my blog!

:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
For any questions, complaints, or suggestions, or whatever email me at



Don't ask about the penguin. I didn't invite him.

-So- We all know today isn't only Veterans Day. It's Wishing day. Earlier, at 11:11 am, we got to make a wish, and our most epic awesome wish will be reserved for 11:11 pm. I don't know what I'm going to wish for, I used my serious wish for the am wish, so I might wish for something outrageous like to save the last of the unicorns or something like that.

Here are some Ideas on how to make a wish
11:11 - it's the best time to make a wish. It doesn't have to be today, it's just today is an epic day for an epic wish

Shooting star- not an airplane

Blow a dandelion. Make sure to wish for more dandelions.

Morning Stars. :) I have one I look at- it's right above of the mountain as of right now. Before Daylight savings, I could see it, and I'd wish that I'd have the courage to make it through the day.

:) now that I'm done here's a cool thought!

Tell me if it doesn't for for you- for me it does!

This isn't 11-11-11 related, but whatever

this one took me awhile.... I won't lie


goldfish_lovin said...

I'm sorry. I invited the penguin.

I guess I should have told you beforehand.

Unknown said...

This is neat and cool.