Thanks for reading my blog!

:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
For any questions, complaints, or suggestions, or whatever email me at


Thanksgiving Challenge!

#1 ) I've already posted 2 weeks ago what I'm thankful for, so sorry if you wanted me to be all thank-ing-ful, but I don't really need to repeat myself.
#2) I'm at my relatives, thus no scanner/ way of getting my art from my sketch pad into virtual world, and onto my blog.
#3) I have a challenge for you.
Instead of posting on Facebook or your Blog or whatever that you're thankful for your friends and family,
(or you could do both...) write a letter to each and every person that's touched your life. It doesn't have to be long, this isn't English.  : 3 I'm going to do the same. If it's possible, write it to them in hand, or if you want to get it to them now, I guess using the virtual world is ok, but writing it is better.

*update* I just realized I have drawings on FB.
:P I'll try to make them work....

I'm *soooo* grateful for Orchestra! I *loved* my 9th grade year because of these people below!

^ My friends, I really don't know what I'd be like if I didn't meet them...

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