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:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
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Fighting Against Domestic Violence

       It was another day, and I wanted to believe it was an average Saturday, just as I was pretending that my family was in a Betty Crocker world. I was peacefully reading The Hunger Games, nestled into the corner of the couch. My siblings were sitting on the ground mesmerized by the Saturday cartoons. I could of kept this impression of my flawless world, until my Dad stepped into the room. The whole room was filled with uneasiness, any source of safety was sucked out of me. Suddenly, I was forced into reality. What was going to happen next was beyond my power and comprehension. I didn't know that soon, my whole world would collapse. I didn't know how serious my dad's abuse towards my mom was. Almost in a way, my mindset was that my family situation was normal, everybody's parents fought.

        By the time my father stood up, everyone was alert. The whole room was tense with panic while my dad went into the kitchen and started yelling at my mother. Even though I wasn't the victim, I felt like prey being watched by its predator. Trying to mute out the noise and the voices of my fear, I tried focusing back to my book, going back to Katniss sneaking into the forest, going back to trying to going back into pretending. However how much I tried, sinking into my imaginary world wasn't possible. Suddenly, there was a loud clattering noise very similar to a pot falling to the ground. My stomach hit the ground, and my thoughts became foggy. Within seconds, my dad's voice raised, swear words hit my ears like a sharp sword, stabbing any courage I had to stand up to help my mom. Luckily, my brother had stepped into the room, intimidated by my father's tantrum.
"Who do you think you are? Get out of this house!"
"That's no way to talk to your father!", my father spat back.
"And that's not way to treat your wife, you coward!", my brother pointed into the kitchen where I couldn't see, daring my father to say anymore.
After my father had left, I quickly ran downstairs, into my bedroom, to keep safe. After taking courage, I walked upstairs, and into the kitchen. There I saw my older sister hugging my mom, she was covered in blood, sobbing. I had learned she called the cops, and we were going to my cousin's until things calmed down. 

      My mom was driving us home, it had been a whole week since my mom called the cops, and school was starting in a couple of days.  A science filled the car, my mom and I were the only ones awake. After chatting for awhile, my mom drifted the conversation to what had happened last week. 
"When we get home", my mom informed me,"Dad won't be there..."
"I know" I said, turning to her. It wasn't a shock to me. Then I realized she was also reassuring herself. My mom was trying to be so strong, and I looked up to her for that.
"Dad was arrested when he came to our house," My mom continued, " Your father and I are going to be separated for awhile"
Repeating myself I choked out the words in shock, " I know..."
I almost wanted to cry, but I had to be strong, like Katniss when she was on national TV in front of everybody. Weakness was not a option for her, and it wasn't one for me. It wasn't until I got home, ran into my bedroom, and buried myself into my blanket I let myself cry. Dissolving into tears, I pulled the blanket over my face, trying to deceive myself into believing that the blanket would protect me from everything that was happening. After awhile, I fell asleep, wallowing in my tears.

        After struggling through my parent's separation, and later divorce, I found myself stronger mentally and emotionally, I knew that I could go through anything without giving up. I learned about domestic violence, and that my dad abusing my mom wasn't normal, but it was common. Domestic Violence is the leading cause of injury of women between 15 and 45, including muggings, rape, and car accidents. The problem is that nobody will speak up, our family lived in the same neighborhood for more than 12 years, and nobody tried to help my mom, even though there were many signs of abuse were shown. Because of my parent's divorce, I have become a voice against Domestic Violence. I am now aware.

I do realize that there are a lot of spelling errors/etc. I'm doing this as an English assignment, and it's just my rough draft, and I wanted to know what my readers thought.
:) thanks for reading!


Karen said...

It's an amazing rough draft. It's going to touch your teacher's heart. Wonderful writing, and it's amazingly touching. Couldn't stop reading.

Is this a true story? It sounds like it. If it is, you wrote it down wonderfully.

Katelcy8407 said...

It's very touching and eye-opening. Wow.

Also, love the Hunger Gamess. Whoop whoop. :)

Anonymous said...

@ Karen- Yes this is a true story, this actually happened to me 2 years ago.

@Katelcy - :D I'm a total hunger games fan- Team Peeta all the way.

I'm glad you guys really liked it and took the time to read it, and comment. I don't think that domestic violence is talked about much, and I think that it should be brought into the light more. If you ever see any signs of abuse, it should be reported.

Anonymous said...

It's extremely sad to read this, let alone imagine you faced it!

You are one strong teen girl. All my respect to you. It takes a lot of courage to face this situation. Hats off young lady! :)

bdw, loved the new blog background, your drawings have always been super cute ^.^