So- I've been having these really strange dreams latley, and I don't know why. But last night I'm pretty certain was the strangest dream I've had in awhile.
As in *really* strange
So- I was walking down some rocky edge of a mountain, and I see this giant brown bear. I don't know why, but I sit down next to it and started "I saw mommy kissing santa clause" and petting the bear. After soothing the bear by petting it, I started stratching it behind the ear. And the bear started talking to me to tell me where to scratch behind his ear.
It may not seem *very* strange, but it was. For this very reason- but one of my guy-friend's nicknames is a big brown bear.
Then after that I was suddenly in a barn sitting on a brick wall. I was watching some random pig, that somehow, I knew was my pet. ( because for some odd reason it was important to stare at a pig all day) When I turned to my left, my cousin was sobbing her head off, and shouting that her pig was the fattest and that the piggy was going to be the next one to be killed. When I went over to comfort her-I saw her pig.
It looked alot like this:
Then It looked like this:
Suddenly, I wasn't sorry for my cousin's future loss of her pet pig. The piggy must of read my mind because it started charging at me. Running for my life, I grabbed the wall, and made a jump for it. Landing in MY pig's area, I thought I was safe. Untill that is, The freak of nature pig/bull thing jumped over the wall also. When I turned to jump over the wall behind me, I found out it was twice as high. Relizing I was trapped, I jumped for it anyways, and managed to pull myslef up before the .... "pig" got me. When I tried slidding down the brick wall though, the pig busted a hole throught the wall with it's head, ( and somehow it knew where my legs were) and started chewing on them. I started screaming, I was pretty certain I was going to die. Then almost as fast as the pig busted it's head through the wall, I was on the other side and perfectly fine, and the pig was gone.
I started looking for the pig, ( last thing I would do in real life) and It was gone. I asked my cousin what happened to the pig, and she said my aunt had killed it.
And so we had a funeral at the dollar store for it, and I bought Icecream.
The End
Thanks for reading my blog!
:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
For any questions, complaints, or suggestions, or whatever email me at
Dedicated to my Best Friends
So- I was looking through my old posts, and I saw this, I had written this before I moved., and now, after reading this, I don't think I knew how lucky I was to have friends who never actually parted with me.
:) thanks guys
:) thanks guys
I have Best Friends
who make me laugh
they stick up for me
when I am put down
by others
they see me fall
and then pick me up
they cheer me on
when I tell them
I can't take another step
they keep all my secrets
and they have my back
and are ready to
fight with me
when I'm in a battle
even though
it's not their battle to fight
they have done
the craziest stuff with me
And I know
I can never go on without them
and the day we part
I will cry
I hope that they know
that I am VERY lucky to have them
as my Best Friends
Thank you! :')
who make me laugh
they stick up for me
when I am put down
by others
they see me fall
and then pick me up
they cheer me on
when I tell them
I can't take another step
they keep all my secrets
and they have my back
and are ready to
fight with me
when I'm in a battle
even though
it's not their battle to fight
they have done
the craziest stuff with me
And I know
I can never go on without them
and the day we part
I will cry
I hope that they know
that I am VERY lucky to have them
as my Best Friends
Thank you! :')
Imaginary Post-Poned Boyfriend
Everybody has weird quirks, and inside jokes.
Combine those two, and you have an imaginary friend who isn't your boyfriend, but basically is.
Let me explain.
My Jr. High had this program called "Flex", instead of having homeroom in the morning, we'd have it in the middle of the day to work on our grades. If you had efficient enough grades, you could go to an activity. Basically you had a few options; Go to the movie, play on computers, or go to your favorite teacher's classroom and pretend to work. I chose the third option, until we were given the option to take ballroom. Because I was already interested in ballroom, I started going there instead of the art room.
I can't even remember what the dance was called, but it was a rotation dance of some sort. Because of a shortage of guys (and the teacher found it totally wrong to dance with girls) we pretended to dance with nobody. Jokingly, my friends and I started flirting with him.
" Oh, you're names Paul? That's such a cute name!"
"You're so amazing at ballroom, Paul!"
"Paul, you're eyes are so blue!"
"You're a NINJA!? That explains why I can't see you all the time!"
Once he became an inside joke, Shawnda and I would talk about him during Orchestra. After explaining him to my other friends, he also became an inside joke in Orchestra.
Then my friends started teasing me about him, and I played along. After that- Paul became a imaginary friend.
During this- all my friends started having "crushes" on guys, One being a fake tree (my friends and I are strange, I know this already), one being Jimmer, one being a real boy we've never met, etc, etc. We all have the same view that at being 14, we were way too young for a relationship. So then, we decided that we could post pone our relationship for when we were old enough.
So- now I have a Imaginary Post-Poned Boyfriend.
I know - it's really tacky, deal with it.
Combine those two, and you have an imaginary friend who isn't your boyfriend, but basically is.
Let me explain.
My Jr. High had this program called "Flex", instead of having homeroom in the morning, we'd have it in the middle of the day to work on our grades. If you had efficient enough grades, you could go to an activity. Basically you had a few options; Go to the movie, play on computers, or go to your favorite teacher's classroom and pretend to work. I chose the third option, until we were given the option to take ballroom. Because I was already interested in ballroom, I started going there instead of the art room.
I can't even remember what the dance was called, but it was a rotation dance of some sort. Because of a shortage of guys (and the teacher found it totally wrong to dance with girls) we pretended to dance with nobody. Jokingly, my friends and I started flirting with him.
" Oh, you're names Paul? That's such a cute name!"
"You're so amazing at ballroom, Paul!"
"Paul, you're eyes are so blue!"
"You're a NINJA!? That explains why I can't see you all the time!"
Once he became an inside joke, Shawnda and I would talk about him during Orchestra. After explaining him to my other friends, he also became an inside joke in Orchestra.
Then my friends started teasing me about him, and I played along. After that- Paul became a imaginary friend.
During this- all my friends started having "crushes" on guys, One being a fake tree (my friends and I are strange, I know this already), one being Jimmer, one being a real boy we've never met, etc, etc. We all have the same view that at being 14, we were way too young for a relationship. So then, we decided that we could post pone our relationship for when we were old enough.
So- now I have a Imaginary Post-Poned Boyfriend.
I know - it's really tacky, deal with it.
Asking the Zebraunicornasiss 200+ Questions
A get to know the Author Post!
So I found this on Facebook and I was thinking " OMQ (oh my quack) This is perfect blog material!"
I didn't really think about how some of the questions got personal- so I kept those ones vague.
If you come up with more questions email them to ( thus the + sign in the title), Please don't ask me any perverted, twisted, or stalkerish questions, thanks! ^-^
Are You Ready?
Let's Go!
200: My middle name is: Irene, Don't ask for my last name, cuz then I'll be all creeped out.
199: I was born in: Portland, Oregon
198: I am really:
197: My cellphone company is: I don't have a cell phone, but If I did, it would be other than Verizon because we live in a Verizon "dead zone"
196: My eye color is: Green
193: My height is: Taller than most of my girlyfriends, and shorter than all my guyfriends
192: I am allergic to: I can only wear Hypoallergenic metals, but that's about it.
191: My 1st car was: O.O you mean you're offering me one?
190: My 1st job was: :D Can I get one of those too?
189: Last book you read: I dunno, it was about some girl who's friend did suicide, so I got to depressed, and stopped reading.
188: My favorite pokemon: Eevee, I use to get her cards all the time, but I'd lose it, and beg for more.
187: My pet is: n't mine anymore because my house we are renting is pet-free. :(
186: My best friend is: living in a different area, but we're still close
185: My favorite shampoo is: .... The kind my mom decides to get
184: Nickname: :D I have plenty of nicknames, such as Zebraunicornasiss, Gibbis, Clud (Phonso is the only one allowed to call me that) And EeeEeva (like wall-e), and Acorn.
183: Piggy banks are: Smart to have, but I don't have one. :P
182: In my pockets: I'm wearing my skirt
181: On my calendar: Is absolutely nothing. I never plan ahead, which bites me back later.
180: Marriage is:
179: Spongebob can: I don't watch Spongebob...
178: My mom: is super strong,smart, and amazing.
177: The last three cd's I bought were? I don't have money to be buying CD's, I just use the music that my dad buys.
176: Last YouTube video watched: Talyor Swift's song that's going into the Hunger Games Movie
175: How many cousins do you have? I don't know, and I'm not counting
174: Do you have any siblings: :) yup- 8 of them
173: Are your parents divorced? Yes they are, and no, I'm not upset about it.
172: Are you taller than your mom? :D Yes
171: Do you play an instrument? Viola
170: What did you do yesterday? Chillaxed with my cousins
~* believe in *~
169: Love at first sight: Not after reading Romeo and Juliet
168: Luck: I believe in God
167: Fate: See the above
166: Yourself: :3 Yes, I do. It's taken some time to happen, but I do now.
165: Aliens: Yes, I believe there are other people just like us.
164: Heaven: Yuppers
163: Hell: I guess
162: God: I've already said this
161: Horoscopes: Eh- not really.
160: Soul mates: Yesh, but I haven't found mine, cuz I'm 15.
159: Ghosts: Sorta, ya
158: Kiss on the first Date: If you want me to slap you.
157: War: Even though I wish it didn't, it does. I also believe in protecting yourself, don't ask me where the lines draw
156: Orbs: O.o what are Orbs?
155: Magic: Naw.
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: If it's the candy- Hugs, If it's the real deal, I'd rather give hugs to friends than kisses
153: Drunk or High: Neither. Don't even ask me.
152: Phone or Online: If you aren't a close friend, Online.
151: Red heads or Black haired: :/ - ? I'm guessing this is for my dream guy? Black haired
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes, blondes with a few exceptions ( :D Peeta)
149: Hot or cold: Hot.
148: Summer or winter: Summer
147: Autumn or Spring: Spring
146: Chocolate or vanilla: I always get a twist when It comes to cones
145: Night or Day: Day.
144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges
143: Curly or Straight hair: For guys? Straight. What I wish I had? Curly
142: McDonalds or Burger King: Iceburg
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White- I know, I'm racist
140: Mac or PC: The one that connects to Facebook
139: Flip flops or high heals: Barefoot
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: Great personality.
137: Coke or Pepsi: XP neither
136: Hillary or Obama: Me
135: Burried or cremated: Burried - I want a Zebra to pull my coffin
134: Singing or Dancing: I can't do either
133: Coach or Chanel: O.o ?
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Let's change the question. Peeta or Gale? Peeta
131: Small town or Big city: Inbetween.
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Wal-Mart, I only shop at Target for Christmas
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Peeta. :P hehe
128: Manicure or Pedicure: I've never had either
127: East Coast or West Coast: I'm from the east coast, soooo.... East.
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas
125: Chocolate or Flowers: :) I'll be flattered with both
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney, cuz I don't know what Six Flags is
123: Yankees or Sox: Don't care about sports
[Yes/No }
122: Do you talk to inanimate objects? Yes
121: Do you have an imaginary friend? :) hehe- inside joke- I might have to blog about him later
119: Do you draw on your hands? :D All the time
118: Are you a Vegetarian? I could never ever be one because of one word. Bacon. Sorry
117: Have a Friendship Bracelet? Erm- It's a Necklace I wear as an anklet
116: Have a Facebook? As in this blog as a facebook? No, but my other one does.
115: Have ever tasted something Bizarre? Yes, I love to try new things
114: Have a blog? *sarcasticly* No, not at all.
113: Do you think a guy should open doors for girls? Yes, Yes, Yes. I don't want to marry a man, I want to marry a GENTLEman. Nuf said
112: Have a lucky shirt? No
111: Did you chase boys/girls around when you were little? No, not really.
110: Do you have a coloring book? No- but I do use them
109: Did you play with Barbies? Nope- I used them to practice becoming a professional torturer though >:D Bwahaha
108: Think somebody will take over the world? No- Cuz they won't be able to feed the lions (inside joke... I stayed up late one day... ^w^)
107: Do you swear? Nada
106: Did you/Plan on graduating? Yes, I do.
105: Think that this is a waste of time? Pretty much
104: Are you a Twilight Fanatic? Ew, no. I don't get obsessed over stuff like that ( WHOOT HUNGER GAMES!)
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: My Older Sister before she left
102: Last time you ate: I'm eating a Chocolate Orange right now
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: My Older Sister, a last hour ago.
100: Cried in front of someone: When I was mad at my mom
99: Went to a movie theater: 2 days ago, I watched Puss in Boots
98: Took a vacation: My dad took me to the Coast
97: Swam in a pool: In the Summer
96: Changed a diaper: Before my little sister got potty changed
95: Got my nails done: I've never gotten my nails done, unless having my little sisters do it for me counts
94: Went to a wedding: :D My sister got married last week
93: Broke a bone: I've never broken a bone
92: Got a piercing: The only piercings I have are on my ears, one set, and that was when I was eight
91: Broke the law: ':D when I put flyers in mailboxes... I got in huge trouble for that....
90: Texted: When I was reminding my friend about something on my mom's cell
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: My best friend, Lille Anka (that's her nickname)
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My bed. If you're referring to my old home, I really miss my friends right now.
87: The last movie I watched: Puss in Boots
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: :D I'm visiting my friends this Wednesday-Friday!!!
85: The thing im not looking forward to: The break ending. >:(
84: People call me: I always call my friend, so hardly ever.
83: The most difficult thing for me to do is: Do my homework
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: :D I only have my permit!
81: My zodiac sign is: The one that's a bull
80: The first person I talked to today was: My little sister
79: First time you had a crush: 4th grade
78: The one person who I can't hide things from: Lille Anka
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: When my friend was saying goodbye on facebook
76: Right now I am talking to : Nobody. :'( I'm a current loner
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I'm going to be happy.
74: I have/will get a job: When I'm old enough for somebody to want to hire me
73: Tomorrow: is Monday? I have Chemistry homework and Math Homework I need to do.
72: Today: Is Christmas!!!
71: Next Summer: Is Color Guard
70: Next Weekend: X( I have school
69: I have these pets: that speak in french and do cartwheels???
68: The worst sound in the world: Ask my little sister to demistrate....
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: I dunno... I wouldn't talk to them if they didn't make me happy
66: People that make you happy: :D My friends
65: Last time I cried: ummm sometime last week. Or was it 2 weeks ago? I dunno, I don't cry much, unless I get super homesick.
64: My friends are: Amazing.
63: My computer is: Working
62: My School: Is Not even in the same city I live in
61: My Car: Will be amazing (... aka used)
60: I lose all respect for people who: I've only lost all respect for a few people. I really try to forgive people, and not judge them.
59: The movie I cried at was: Plenty of movies.
58: Your hair color is: Dark Blonde
57: TV shows you watch: Criminal Minds, Monk, and Little Kid shows.
56: Favorite web site: Facebook
55: Your dream vacation: Hershey's, Pennsylvania or somewhere outside the US
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Currently right now: Emotional, when my parents where separating, and I moved away
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium
52: My room is: Clean-ish
51: My favorite celebrity is: The one who plays Herminonie
50: Where would you like to be: Right now, here cuz it's Christmas
49: Do you want children: :) Yes.
48: Ever been in love: I really don't think so.
47: Whos your best friend: Lille Anka
46: More guy friends or girl friends: I swear It's Girl Friends, but I might have to re-check that...
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Laughing!
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My best Friend (sorry, I'm visiting her this week and I'm pumped)
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Nope
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: I tried, but the list was too short
41: Have you pre-named your children: No
40: Last person I got mad at: I kinda snapped at my little sister this morning ^__^'
39: I would like to move to: I don't want to move right now.
38: I wish I was a professional: Human
My Favorites
37: Candy: Chocolate
36: Vehicle: Currently right now my Bike
35: President: Fluffy Pants
34: State visited: Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Nevada.
33: Cellphone provider: I was already asked that, No?
32: Athlete: That one *points to the jacket on my right*
31: Actor: *Points at my chocolate Orange*
30: Actress:* Points at the Chocolate bar*
29: Singer: :D NOW we're talking! I have sooo many favorite singers. As of right now (it changes) it would be Westlife
28: Band: err... how is that diffrent than a band?
27: Clothing store: Wal-Mart
26: Grocery store: The one with Icecream
25: TV show: Monk
24: Movie: :P Don't ask, I can't recall
23: Website: I ASWERD THIS I SWEAR!!! Facebook
22: Animal: Zebra
21: Theme park: Fun ones
20: Holiday: Christmas
19: Sport to watch: None
18: Sport to play: None
17: Magazine: The Friend (religious)
16: Book: Hunger Games! (the first book)
15: Day of the week: Saturdays
14: Beach: Oregon Coast
13: Concert attended: I've only been to one, One Republic
12: Thing to cook: :D Cookies
11: Food: :3 It's un-decide-able
10: Restaurant: See the above
9: Radio station: I don't have one- Whatever's playing what I like
8: Candle scent: Vanilla
7: Perfume: Coconut-Lime
6: Flower: I haven't chosen one yet
5: Color: It Varies from Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green
4: Talk show host: None
3: Comedian: I don't know his name
2: Dog breed: I want a german sheppard
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? YES! >.<
^w^ YAY! It's OVER!
So I found this on Facebook and I was thinking " OMQ (oh my quack) This is perfect blog material!"
I didn't really think about how some of the questions got personal- so I kept those ones vague.
If you come up with more questions email them to ( thus the + sign in the title), Please don't ask me any perverted, twisted, or stalkerish questions, thanks! ^-^
Are You Ready?
Let's Go!
200: My middle name is: Irene, Don't ask for my last name, cuz then I'll be all creeped out.
199: I was born in: Portland, Oregon
198: I am really:
197: My cellphone company is: I don't have a cell phone, but If I did, it would be other than Verizon because we live in a Verizon "dead zone"
196: My eye color is: Green
195: My shoe size is: Larger than the average girl
194: My ring size is: O.O If you wanna know this, that's a little creepy193: My height is: Taller than most of my girlyfriends, and shorter than all my guyfriends
192: I am allergic to: I can only wear Hypoallergenic metals, but that's about it.
191: My 1st car was: O.O you mean you're offering me one?
190: My 1st job was: :D Can I get one of those too?
189: Last book you read: I dunno, it was about some girl who's friend did suicide, so I got to depressed, and stopped reading.
188: My favorite pokemon: Eevee, I use to get her cards all the time, but I'd lose it, and beg for more.
187: My pet is: n't mine anymore because my house we are renting is pet-free. :(
186: My best friend is: living in a different area, but we're still close
185: My favorite shampoo is: .... The kind my mom decides to get
184: Nickname: :D I have plenty of nicknames, such as Zebraunicornasiss, Gibbis, Clud (Phonso is the only one allowed to call me that) And EeeEeva (like wall-e), and Acorn.
183: Piggy banks are: Smart to have, but I don't have one. :P
182: In my pockets: I'm wearing my skirt
181: On my calendar: Is absolutely nothing. I never plan ahead, which bites me back later.
180: Marriage is:
179: Spongebob can: I don't watch Spongebob...
178: My mom: is super strong,smart, and amazing.
177: The last three cd's I bought were? I don't have money to be buying CD's, I just use the music that my dad buys.
176: Last YouTube video watched: Talyor Swift's song that's going into the Hunger Games Movie
175: How many cousins do you have? I don't know, and I'm not counting
174: Do you have any siblings: :) yup- 8 of them
173: Are your parents divorced? Yes they are, and no, I'm not upset about it.
172: Are you taller than your mom? :D Yes
171: Do you play an instrument? Viola
170: What did you do yesterday? Chillaxed with my cousins
~* believe in *~
169: Love at first sight: Not after reading Romeo and Juliet
168: Luck: I believe in God
167: Fate: See the above
166: Yourself: :3 Yes, I do. It's taken some time to happen, but I do now.
165: Aliens: Yes, I believe there are other people just like us.
164: Heaven: Yuppers
163: Hell: I guess
162: God: I've already said this
161: Horoscopes: Eh- not really.
160: Soul mates: Yesh, but I haven't found mine, cuz I'm 15.
159: Ghosts: Sorta, ya
158: Kiss on the first Date: If you want me to slap you.
157: War: Even though I wish it didn't, it does. I also believe in protecting yourself, don't ask me where the lines draw
156: Orbs: O.o what are Orbs?
155: Magic: Naw.
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: If it's the candy- Hugs, If it's the real deal, I'd rather give hugs to friends than kisses
153: Drunk or High: Neither. Don't even ask me.
152: Phone or Online: If you aren't a close friend, Online.
151: Red heads or Black haired: :/ - ? I'm guessing this is for my dream guy? Black haired
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes, blondes with a few exceptions ( :D Peeta)
149: Hot or cold: Hot.
148: Summer or winter: Summer
147: Autumn or Spring: Spring
146: Chocolate or vanilla: I always get a twist when It comes to cones
145: Night or Day: Day.
144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges
143: Curly or Straight hair: For guys? Straight. What I wish I had? Curly
142: McDonalds or Burger King: Iceburg
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White- I know, I'm racist
140: Mac or PC: The one that connects to Facebook
139: Flip flops or high heals: Barefoot
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: Great personality.
137: Coke or Pepsi: XP neither
136: Hillary or Obama: Me
135: Burried or cremated: Burried - I want a Zebra to pull my coffin
134: Singing or Dancing: I can't do either
133: Coach or Chanel: O.o ?
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Let's change the question. Peeta or Gale? Peeta
131: Small town or Big city: Inbetween.
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Wal-Mart, I only shop at Target for Christmas
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Peeta. :P hehe
128: Manicure or Pedicure: I've never had either
127: East Coast or West Coast: I'm from the east coast, soooo.... East.
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas
125: Chocolate or Flowers: :) I'll be flattered with both
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney, cuz I don't know what Six Flags is
123: Yankees or Sox: Don't care about sports
[Yes/No }
122: Do you talk to inanimate objects? Yes
121: Do you have an imaginary friend? :) hehe- inside joke- I might have to blog about him later
119: Do you draw on your hands? :D All the time
118: Are you a Vegetarian? I could never ever be one because of one word. Bacon. Sorry
117: Have a Friendship Bracelet? Erm- It's a Necklace I wear as an anklet
116: Have a Facebook? As in this blog as a facebook? No, but my other one does.
115: Have ever tasted something Bizarre? Yes, I love to try new things
114: Have a blog? *sarcasticly* No, not at all.
113: Do you think a guy should open doors for girls? Yes, Yes, Yes. I don't want to marry a man, I want to marry a GENTLEman. Nuf said
112: Have a lucky shirt? No
111: Did you chase boys/girls around when you were little? No, not really.
110: Do you have a coloring book? No- but I do use them
109: Did you play with Barbies? Nope- I used them to practice becoming a professional torturer though >:D Bwahaha
108: Think somebody will take over the world? No- Cuz they won't be able to feed the lions (inside joke... I stayed up late one day... ^w^)
107: Do you swear? Nada
106: Did you/Plan on graduating? Yes, I do.
105: Think that this is a waste of time? Pretty much
104: Are you a Twilight Fanatic? Ew, no. I don't get obsessed over stuff like that ( WHOOT HUNGER GAMES!)
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: My Older Sister before she left
102: Last time you ate: I'm eating a Chocolate Orange right now
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: My Older Sister, a last hour ago.
100: Cried in front of someone: When I was mad at my mom
99: Went to a movie theater: 2 days ago, I watched Puss in Boots
98: Took a vacation: My dad took me to the Coast
97: Swam in a pool: In the Summer
96: Changed a diaper: Before my little sister got potty changed
95: Got my nails done: I've never gotten my nails done, unless having my little sisters do it for me counts
94: Went to a wedding: :D My sister got married last week
93: Broke a bone: I've never broken a bone
92: Got a piercing: The only piercings I have are on my ears, one set, and that was when I was eight
91: Broke the law: ':D when I put flyers in mailboxes... I got in huge trouble for that....
90: Texted: When I was reminding my friend about something on my mom's cell
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: My best friend, Lille Anka (that's her nickname)
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My bed. If you're referring to my old home, I really miss my friends right now.
87: The last movie I watched: Puss in Boots
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: :D I'm visiting my friends this Wednesday-Friday!!!
85: The thing im not looking forward to: The break ending. >:(
84: People call me: I always call my friend, so hardly ever.
83: The most difficult thing for me to do is: Do my homework
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: :D I only have my permit!
81: My zodiac sign is: The one that's a bull
80: The first person I talked to today was: My little sister
79: First time you had a crush: 4th grade
78: The one person who I can't hide things from: Lille Anka
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: When my friend was saying goodbye on facebook
76: Right now I am talking to : Nobody. :'( I'm a current loner
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I'm going to be happy.
74: I have/will get a job: When I'm old enough for somebody to want to hire me
73: Tomorrow: is Monday? I have Chemistry homework and Math Homework I need to do.
72: Today: Is Christmas!!!
71: Next Summer: Is Color Guard
70: Next Weekend: X( I have school
69: I have these pets: that speak in french and do cartwheels???
68: The worst sound in the world: Ask my little sister to demistrate....
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: I dunno... I wouldn't talk to them if they didn't make me happy
66: People that make you happy: :D My friends
65: Last time I cried: ummm sometime last week. Or was it 2 weeks ago? I dunno, I don't cry much, unless I get super homesick.
64: My friends are: Amazing.
63: My computer is: Working
62: My School: Is Not even in the same city I live in
61: My Car: Will be amazing (... aka used)
60: I lose all respect for people who: I've only lost all respect for a few people. I really try to forgive people, and not judge them.
59: The movie I cried at was: Plenty of movies.
58: Your hair color is: Dark Blonde
57: TV shows you watch: Criminal Minds, Monk, and Little Kid shows.
56: Favorite web site: Facebook
55: Your dream vacation: Hershey's, Pennsylvania or somewhere outside the US
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Currently right now: Emotional, when my parents where separating, and I moved away
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium
52: My room is: Clean-ish
51: My favorite celebrity is: The one who plays Herminonie
50: Where would you like to be: Right now, here cuz it's Christmas
49: Do you want children: :) Yes.
48: Ever been in love: I really don't think so.
47: Whos your best friend: Lille Anka
46: More guy friends or girl friends: I swear It's Girl Friends, but I might have to re-check that...
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Laughing!
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My best Friend (sorry, I'm visiting her this week and I'm pumped)
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Nope
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: I tried, but the list was too short
41: Have you pre-named your children: No
40: Last person I got mad at: I kinda snapped at my little sister this morning ^__^'
39: I would like to move to: I don't want to move right now.
38: I wish I was a professional: Human
My Favorites
37: Candy: Chocolate
36: Vehicle: Currently right now my Bike
35: President: Fluffy Pants
34: State visited: Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Nevada.
33: Cellphone provider: I was already asked that, No?
32: Athlete: That one *points to the jacket on my right*
31: Actor: *Points at my chocolate Orange*
30: Actress:* Points at the Chocolate bar*
29: Singer: :D NOW we're talking! I have sooo many favorite singers. As of right now (it changes) it would be Westlife
28: Band: err... how is that diffrent than a band?
27: Clothing store: Wal-Mart
26: Grocery store: The one with Icecream
25: TV show: Monk
24: Movie: :P Don't ask, I can't recall
23: Website: I ASWERD THIS I SWEAR!!! Facebook
22: Animal: Zebra
21: Theme park: Fun ones
20: Holiday: Christmas
19: Sport to watch: None
18: Sport to play: None
17: Magazine: The Friend (religious)
16: Book: Hunger Games! (the first book)
15: Day of the week: Saturdays
14: Beach: Oregon Coast
13: Concert attended: I've only been to one, One Republic
12: Thing to cook: :D Cookies
11: Food: :3 It's un-decide-able
10: Restaurant: See the above
9: Radio station: I don't have one- Whatever's playing what I like
8: Candle scent: Vanilla
7: Perfume: Coconut-Lime
6: Flower: I haven't chosen one yet
5: Color: It Varies from Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green
4: Talk show host: None
3: Comedian: I don't know his name
2: Dog breed: I want a german sheppard
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? YES! >.<
^w^ YAY! It's OVER!
Christmas Traditions
Every Family Has Christmas Traditions.
( I don't know why every letter was capitalized, but I don't want to correct it.)
Even my freakishly chaotic large family that I love so much :D. (And if you want to know HOW large think of 7 children, and that wouldn't be including my 2 older siblings who moved out.)
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is when my family takes all of our old snowflakes, and make new ones, and we hang them up. That way, even though a white Christmas isn't promised, we can have one indoors. Not only that, but it's fun to look at my snowflakes from when I was 5, and they looked like blocks with four diamonds cut out of them.
A newer tradition my family does is sitting at the campfire, and cooking hot dogs, or starbursts, marshmallows, and paper (well- we burn that). Suddenly, instead of smelling nothing at all, I smell the sweet smoky smell of the fire.
My family also buys a real tree, because our old fake one became unbecoming, and my mom gave up trying to find a perfect fake tree under budget. As she says " It's better to have a real tree that smells good, and buy a new one every year than have a fake one that looks terrible." I agree with her, even though trees aren't cheap here as they are in Oregon, they remind me of when I went to visit my great grandmother there.We also have Santa cups from my great grandmother, my mom fills them up with candy for breakfast.
But the one Christmas tradition I'm going to miss is when we had a deck- we'd cover the stairs with snow so that we could sled down it with ease. But because we moved, we don't have a deck.
So Those are my Christmas Traditions- What are yours?
( I don't know why every letter was capitalized, but I don't want to correct it.)
Even my freakishly chaotic large family that I love so much :D. (And if you want to know HOW large think of 7 children, and that wouldn't be including my 2 older siblings who moved out.)
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is when my family takes all of our old snowflakes, and make new ones, and we hang them up. That way, even though a white Christmas isn't promised, we can have one indoors. Not only that, but it's fun to look at my snowflakes from when I was 5, and they looked like blocks with four diamonds cut out of them.
A newer tradition my family does is sitting at the campfire, and cooking hot dogs, or starbursts, marshmallows, and paper (well- we burn that). Suddenly, instead of smelling nothing at all, I smell the sweet smoky smell of the fire.
My family also buys a real tree, because our old fake one became unbecoming, and my mom gave up trying to find a perfect fake tree under budget. As she says " It's better to have a real tree that smells good, and buy a new one every year than have a fake one that looks terrible." I agree with her, even though trees aren't cheap here as they are in Oregon, they remind me of when I went to visit my great grandmother there.We also have Santa cups from my great grandmother, my mom fills them up with candy for breakfast.
But the one Christmas tradition I'm going to miss is when we had a deck- we'd cover the stairs with snow so that we could sled down it with ease. But because we moved, we don't have a deck.
So Those are my Christmas Traditions- What are yours?
Charlie Brown Medley - Linus and Lucy - Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelso...
Sorry I haven't been on for awhile, this Chrismtas has
been busy. I'll post as soon as I can.
Meanwhile, enjoy some peanuts!
Merry Christmas!
Scanner Fun
So- I know it's Christmas season and all, but I'm was scanning my art for my friend to see, and I started messing around...
And thus this post was born
Penguin Pants!
Short post today-
I'm pretty certain that you've all blogged about, or at least noted that some "gangstas" legs are shrinking. Even though this is happening, pants companies are lengthening jeans. Because of this, the waddle very much like a penguin. I call them "penguin wannabe's" because of this. I don't know about you, but watching these penguin wannabe's "running" to their classes and watching them trip over themselves is better than T.V. I wonder if they wish that they could slide around like penguins too.
Then there are those guys that are monkey-penguin wannabes. They have their shirt so long, it looks like a dress- not a short dress- one that extends past the knees. This of course, makes their arms look like it's extended to the ground, even though it's the same length. This must be their way of transporting to class in the nick of time, they can just swing around on their extra long arms.
I think I could on and on about freakishly large gauges that I can imaging ice cold sodas being stored there, or when students die their hair so it looks like a skunk died there.
But I think you get the idea.
Anywhom, I wanted to give this guy a gold star or something when he told his friend to pull up his pants.
Their conversation went very similar to this:
Gold Star Winner: Pull up you pants, man.
Penguin-wannabe: *swears*
Winner: Dude, nobody wants to see that *turns to the girl next to him* Do you want to see that?
Girl: No - it's gross.
Winner: See? Pull them up.
*Penguin Wannabe pulls them up*
*Everybody mentally cheers*
I'm pretty certain that you've all blogged about, or at least noted that some "gangstas" legs are shrinking. Even though this is happening, pants companies are lengthening jeans. Because of this, the waddle very much like a penguin. I call them "penguin wannabe's" because of this. I don't know about you, but watching these penguin wannabe's "running" to their classes and watching them trip over themselves is better than T.V. I wonder if they wish that they could slide around like penguins too.
Then there are those guys that are monkey-penguin wannabes. They have their shirt so long, it looks like a dress- not a short dress- one that extends past the knees. This of course, makes their arms look like it's extended to the ground, even though it's the same length. This must be their way of transporting to class in the nick of time, they can just swing around on their extra long arms.
I think I could on and on about freakishly large gauges that I can imaging ice cold sodas being stored there, or when students die their hair so it looks like a skunk died there.
But I think you get the idea.
Anywhom, I wanted to give this guy a gold star or something when he told his friend to pull up his pants.
Their conversation went very similar to this:
Gold Star Winner: Pull up you pants, man.
Penguin-wannabe: *swears*
Winner: Dude, nobody wants to see that *turns to the girl next to him* Do you want to see that?
Girl: No - it's gross.
Winner: See? Pull them up.
*Penguin Wannabe pulls them up*
*Everybody mentally cheers*
Fighting Against Domestic Violence
It was another day, and I wanted to believe it was an average Saturday, just as I was pretending that my family was in a Betty Crocker world. I was peacefully reading The Hunger Games, nestled into the corner of the couch. My siblings were sitting on the ground mesmerized by the Saturday cartoons. I could of kept this impression of my flawless world, until my Dad stepped into the room. The whole room was filled with uneasiness, any source of safety was sucked out of me. Suddenly, I was forced into reality. What was going to happen next was beyond my power and comprehension. I didn't know that soon, my whole world would collapse. I didn't know how serious my dad's abuse towards my mom was. Almost in a way, my mindset was that my family situation was normal, everybody's parents fought.
By the time my father stood up, everyone was alert. The whole room was tense with panic while my dad went into the kitchen and started yelling at my mother. Even though I wasn't the victim, I felt like prey being watched by its predator. Trying to mute out the noise and the voices of my fear, I tried focusing back to my book, going back to Katniss sneaking into the forest, going back to trying to going back into pretending. However how much I tried, sinking into my imaginary world wasn't possible. Suddenly, there was a loud clattering noise very similar to a pot falling to the ground. My stomach hit the ground, and my thoughts became foggy. Within seconds, my dad's voice raised, swear words hit my ears like a sharp sword, stabbing any courage I had to stand up to help my mom. Luckily, my brother had stepped into the room, intimidated by my father's tantrum.
"Who do you think you are? Get out of this house!"
"That's no way to talk to your father!", my father spat back.
"And that's not way to treat your wife, you coward!", my brother pointed into the kitchen where I couldn't see, daring my father to say anymore.
After my father had left, I quickly ran downstairs, into my bedroom, to keep safe. After taking courage, I walked upstairs, and into the kitchen. There I saw my older sister hugging my mom, she was covered in blood, sobbing. I had learned she called the cops, and we were going to my cousin's until things calmed down.
My mom was driving us home, it had been a whole week since my mom called the cops, and school was starting in a couple of days. A science filled the car, my mom and I were the only ones awake. After chatting for awhile, my mom drifted the conversation to what had happened last week.
"When we get home", my mom informed me,"Dad won't be there..."
"I know" I said, turning to her. It wasn't a shock to me. Then I realized she was also reassuring herself. My mom was trying to be so strong, and I looked up to her for that.
"Dad was arrested when he came to our house," My mom continued, " Your father and I are going to be separated for awhile"
Repeating myself I choked out the words in shock, " I know..."
I almost wanted to cry, but I had to be strong, like Katniss when she was on national TV in front of everybody. Weakness was not a option for her, and it wasn't one for me. It wasn't until I got home, ran into my bedroom, and buried myself into my blanket I let myself cry. Dissolving into tears, I pulled the blanket over my face, trying to deceive myself into believing that the blanket would protect me from everything that was happening. After awhile, I fell asleep, wallowing in my tears.
After struggling through my parent's separation, and later divorce, I found myself stronger mentally and emotionally, I knew that I could go through anything without giving up. I learned about domestic violence, and that my dad abusing my mom wasn't normal, but it was common. Domestic Violence is the leading cause of injury of women between 15 and 45, including muggings, rape, and car accidents. The problem is that nobody will speak up, our family lived in the same neighborhood for more than 12 years, and nobody tried to help my mom, even though there were many signs of abuse were shown. Because of my parent's divorce, I have become a voice against Domestic Violence. I am now aware.
I do realize that there are a lot of spelling errors/etc. I'm doing this as an English assignment, and it's just my rough draft, and I wanted to know what my readers thought.
:) thanks for reading!
I love the rain - I love the cool tickling feeling of it landing on my skin, I love stomping in the puddles.
I love the way clouds look when they rain- you can see part of their extra weight they were carrying leave away. I love the smell of the rain- especially pine trees. When I'm visiting relatives in Oregon, I love the clean rain air it has. Something about the rain brings me up, when I feel down, and it starts raining, I can't help but smile, and want to go sit outside and watch the billions of rain drops fall down and bounce onto the ground. One of my favorite sounds is the sound of rain pattering onto an umbrella - and I can't tell you why. It just sounds cool. I love to watch rain drops fall down onto a window pane, and slip down slowly. It almost looks like their try to cling to the window, but they're finding themselves fall down slowly. Then they collide into another desperate raindrop, and they find themselves falling together as one.
But the best part of the rain is when the last drops are traveling to the ground, and you find yourself breathlessly gawking at transparent, but vivid
School's Out
I had stayed up to 12 working on homework.
I woke up at 5 to the sound of my alarm, and the wind. With my foggy brain I decided to sleep in one hour instead of spending forever on my hair or whatever I do within that hour ( honestly, I don't know why I have that alarm on, cuz I always ignore it and sleep the extra hour.)
But then I couldn't go back to sleep. The wind was too noisy, I tossed and turned, but the house was creaking, things were blowing around, and I swear my bed was shaking. As soon as I started to drift off, my alarm went off for 6, and then I had no choice but to get up. After lazily tossing an outfit together, and then the thought occurred to me. School might be canceled with wind like this.
Looking out the window was *scary*, trees were doing the limbo, and trash cans were flying, and the lights started surging on and off. Yup, if school wasn't going to be canceled, I would be shocked. I rushed to my mom's room and asked her if we could check the news online to see if it really was, but we couldn't find anything. We found out that the winds were going up to 95 miles an hour, and that a semi truck got pushed over from the wind. So, I squished two coats on, and started walking outside, when my mom stopped me and forbid me from going to the bus stop. I wasn't going to go when my bus had a high chance of tipping over.
It wasn't until after school though that my mom got an email saying school tomorrow was going to be cancled because they had to clean up after the mess, and some schools had lost power.
REALLY?!?! They were going to wait until after the storm to cancel school?
-___-' I'm worried about my safety at school now....
^w^ My sister and I goofing off on our day off of school :P I know our skin's a little nuanced compared to real color, but I don't care anymore...
I woke up at 5 to the sound of my alarm, and the wind. With my foggy brain I decided to sleep in one hour instead of spending forever on my hair or whatever I do within that hour ( honestly, I don't know why I have that alarm on, cuz I always ignore it and sleep the extra hour.)
But then I couldn't go back to sleep. The wind was too noisy, I tossed and turned, but the house was creaking, things were blowing around, and I swear my bed was shaking. As soon as I started to drift off, my alarm went off for 6, and then I had no choice but to get up. After lazily tossing an outfit together, and then the thought occurred to me. School might be canceled with wind like this.
Looking out the window was *scary*, trees were doing the limbo, and trash cans were flying, and the lights started surging on and off. Yup, if school wasn't going to be canceled, I would be shocked. I rushed to my mom's room and asked her if we could check the news online to see if it really was, but we couldn't find anything. We found out that the winds were going up to 95 miles an hour, and that a semi truck got pushed over from the wind. So, I squished two coats on, and started walking outside, when my mom stopped me and forbid me from going to the bus stop. I wasn't going to go when my bus had a high chance of tipping over.
It wasn't until after school though that my mom got an email saying school tomorrow was going to be cancled because they had to clean up after the mess, and some schools had lost power.
REALLY?!?! They were going to wait until after the storm to cancel school?
-___-' I'm worried about my safety at school now....
^w^ My sister and I goofing off on our day off of school :P I know our skin's a little nuanced compared to real color, but I don't care anymore...
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