SO I have homework I'm suppose to be doing, but I'm slacking off.... again. I swear Teachers love the to think that you only have that one class, so they give you so much homework to do that will take all day, but you have other teachers for the same class thinking that, so in the end, you just procrastinate it.
I know.... lame excuse. I should probably go work now
Hi Zebra-unicorn-pegasis ^.^
Your name is so long >.< ever consider something like zebicornasiss?
And yes, it often feels like that with teachers :P
Are you in college? Because sorry to tell ya, it gets worse in college. In the majority of high/middle school most, if not all, of the teachers know each other and has teacher conferences where they all talk about class plans and such, so they actually do plan out their course keeping in mind that you have other classes.
Once your in college, no way in heck will your teachers ever even consider working together to make a schoolwide schedule. One professor might make friends with 10 others and will be strangers to the rest hundred or so. I have 10 different professors each year and none of them know each other.
What hectic fun!
I wish you best of luck on your homework!
Better yet, scratch that first wish and I'll wish for your homework to do itself ^.~
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but it gets worse with time...unfortunately. :( I remember sounding the same way when I was in high school, but now there are days when I'd trade to have my high school work back. More school = more teachers/professors expect you'll make time to do their work (and do it well). The one perk is in college you make your own schedule and you often have a lot more blocks of free time to get your work done. I'm not even sure if you are in high school, but I just assumed from the sound of your post. GL! :)
~Kristen :)
Rui- Yes- I actually did. But when I typed it, it came out as zebraunicornasiss, and that's how my friends and I type it. If you really think it's a pain (which it is) then just call me zebra or something whatever, I'll respond either way
:D I should probably be happy that I don't have much homework then. Thanks guys for the head up!
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