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:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
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Chasing my Bus

My dear followers/stalkers/friends,

This happened a long time ago, please forgive me for not posting this.
I rolled my ankle. To me, it wasn't that big of a deal to post about, so I didn't.  And now that it's been months, and it still hasn't healed, I think you should know. 
So- how did I roll my ankle? 

It was the first month of school, and I was talking to one of my friends while we were waiting for her bus to come. My bus was all the way over on the other side of the street, with a 100 yard distance ( ya I know- it's an exaggeration) but I really thought I had the time to wait for her bus before mine left. Then, the bus engines came on, and I started realizing that they were getting ready to leave. I said goodbye, and started walking away. Then the buses started moving. 

You know how when you're inside of a bus, it seems to go super slow? Well, on the outside, you're moving pretty fast. I stopped walking and started running. But what I didn't notice was that I was running on the edge of the sidewalk. When my foot did landed on the edge, it did a fancy twisty thingy. It also made a fun crunching noise. After getting up, I noticed my foot wasn't responding right. I looked down and my foot was pointed funny and it sorta hurt. I remember my brain thinking " I just sprained it, It's not a big deal because it isn't broken. Keep running you need to catch that bus." I stopped looking at my feet, and I started running again. I don't even know how I did it, I'm guessing it was a adrenaline rush or something, but I was booking it even faster than before. 

Thank goodness, the bus stopped for a red light. When the bus driver saw me, and let me in she told me "I'm not suppose to let you in, so this is your last chance." It was when I sat down that I started really hurting. My whole leg was shaking and my foot had this strange sensation of being numb and hurting at the same time. I wanted to cry, but sobbing on the bus isn't on my bucket list. 

Long story short I got home and iced it, and lay down. But it didn't take much time for me to want to get off of Facebook and walk. I kept making excuses, like getting a new ice pack, checking the fridge for food, and searching for my backpack so I could do homework. I was rebelling for no reason. That is, until I rolled it the next day again. When that happened, I sat down, and hopelessly wished for my ankle to be healed. But after 2 hours my sanity drifted away, and I started waddling around the place again. 

Days passed by, and soon I started doing stuff at school that ticked off my mom. But I informed her that running the mile, walking up and down stairs, and chasing friends was important for functioning at school properly. To me, my ankle was healed because it looked normal. But when my ankle did start bugging me, I'd sit down and try to not make a scene. 

Yup- I was being a moron, but I didn't want to seem as if I was taking advantage of my ankle to get out of doing things I didn't want to do. I started worrying about my ankle though when my ankle started bugging me more frequently. I asked my mom to get it checked, and so we set up an appointment with doctors.

I got lectured for running when my ankle should of been resting, etc, etc. We took x-rays and my bones were fine, it was just one of my muscles. Then the doctor told me that walking on it was the best idea to let it heal. After hearing this, I turned to my mom with a smug look on my face.  point. My mom rolled her eyes, and pointed out that walking was a good idea AFTER the RICE treatment (Rest Ice Compress and Elevate).

A couple of weeks later, I was skipping to my room, and my ankle crunched again, and this time, the noise was louder.  Crippling to the floor I started bawling and begged for an ice pack. But by the time my cousins and brother came with like 5 different ice packs, I was standing up and wobbling to get my own.

My mom started scolding me and made me sit down and heal. ( >w< I walked when she wasn't looking.) She got an ace-bandage and told me that we were getting a brace for me later when we were at the store. When she found out that I had P.E. the next day, she told me if I ran, I'd be in trouble. 

:/ A couple of months have passed, but I'm still in this dang stupid brace. I had to run the mile last week, because I was afraid my coach would lower my grade, and my mom flipped when I was complain about being sore the next day. My mom talked to a friend who was a coach for my ex-high school's track and cross country, and she said it would take 6 months at the least for me to heal. She also said that it may never heal. >m< I hate this brace so bad, I want it off.... the only up side about my brace is that it's allowed my ankle to stop swelling, so it isn't all puffy like a balloon. 

Anyways, I'll tell you when I get it off.

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