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:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
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It's Not Over

I remember when things were easier, simpler. Being friends wasn't difficult, we had simplier minds and drama wasn't a problem. We weren't choosing who to talk to more often, because we had the time for everyone. We giggled and laughed, and goofed off. What other people thought didn't matter....

I met Rissa first, I didn't think I needed friends, I was all set for 7th grade. Then, sitting into groups in P.E., I had nobody to sit with. Sitting with the group of people who invited me, I reminded myself I didn't need new friends. I lied. 

I hardly remember meeting Anka. It had something to do with drama class. I just remember talking to her, and her being my friend in that class. Now that we compare memories, she recalls thinking about how annoying I was.

Nato was my brother's friend end of story. We sorta talked in orchestra, but we never became close friends untill he started hanging out with us more often (to talk to Anka ;D)

Chippy was the boy I met on the bus. Granted I met him before, but he never was offically my friend before that. I don't know when, but we started talking off of the bus, and we became closer of friends.

Now I'm miles away, Lille Anka's hurting, Nato never talks, Rissa's hard to contact, and Chippy's got other friends. It's no longer the same, and it's not suppose to be. And somehow, against all odds, we're still friends. Right now we're hanging by a worn out thread, but we're knotting it, and making it stronger. We're not letting go because the past isn't something to forget, and the future isn't something to give up on. It's not over. I promise.

1 comment:

goldfish_lovin said...

Very powerful.

It's so true how friendships change over the years. There were people I thought would be my best friend whoever who I now hate, and others who I just hung out occasionally with that turned out to be true friends.
