Thanks for reading my blog!

:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
For any questions, complaints, or suggestions, or whatever email me at


Pinky Promise

Alright guys, I'm being lazy. No it's not that I'm busy, it's just the fact I'm as lazy as heck, and I haven't been posting lately. I promise that as soon as I get the time, I will post something.

If you're anything like me, you probably haven't noticed that i haven't posted for a week, but maybe there is somebody out there waiting for me to post...


Charlotte said...

I know this is a really random comment. I just came across your blog from looking on other people's.
And it is really intresting. x
(i am a new follower)

Anonymous said...

Charlie- O.o I'm being told that that blog doesn't exist...