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How to draw a unicorn

I've never ever my whole life have ever given a tutorial on how to draw something. But when I was in 3rd Grade, I read a all of my school's library books on how to draw *fill in a word here*. All I ever learned from that was to use circles and squares when I draw, and I still can't draw a car. >:(
Anyways, my point is, this might not make sense at all, but you're going to have to suck it up.

Anyways, You start out with a unicorn with 3 circles. - they don't have to be the world's best circles, because you're erasing them in the end

Then you add a muzzle ( I think that's what it's called) I use to add a circle there too, but it doesn't look as good. Just do a sideways hill

then you add the feet. they're pretty self explainitory, a triangle-like rectangle for the front hoof, and a rectagle for the front.
Now the back's pretty tricky, draw a circle, and then a sidways rectangle next to it (the red is showing the shapes, I've done it enough times I can skip this step)

Now add the tail. I don't know how to explain how to do the tail, so if you can't do it your alone.
Now, the mane is just like the tail, but smaller, and a bunch of them coming from the head down to the neck. the first one  looks best when it flips up

Now add the horn, and erase all the ugly lines. Sometimes it's really hard to get the thickness JUST right

( I forgot to draw the other hind leg so I added it, I don't know how to describe how to draw it, so just free hand it, or don't draw it at all) Draw the eyes and whatever however you want to

YAY! You're done! I'm pretty certain it might even looke better than mine! And if it doesn't - don't worry if it's not amazing, drawing's just like sports and music. Practice DOES make a difference.

{If you want to add wings, just do squiggles
And to make it a zebra just add lines}

1 comment:

goldfish_lovin said...

ITS FABULOUS. Now to do that using a computer mouse without crying consistently. xD