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:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
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I suck at driving, it's official now. I was doing my driver's course, and the kid I'm assigned with this kid that drives like a pro. After feeling safe enough to fall asleep, we switch seats, and once I move to do the 3-point turn, I'm pretty certain we both realize how much I suck at driving.
In the end, I ran over a cone, went into reverse, ran into again, and killed 9 other cones as well.
I would illustrate it, but cars are my weakness when it comes to drawing, maybe someday....


Teenage Blogger Central Admin said...

Driving strikes me as the kind of thing that takes A LOT of practice.

I'm not looking forward to it (you don't get a license until age 18 here), but saying that, no one looks forward to difficult tasks.

You'll probably be a great driver after a few lessons, which is the way with everything.

Ruth ♥ said...

I'm only 14 so i haven't even started yet but i hope it's easier than what it seems