Thanks for reading my blog!
:) First of all, thank you so much for following/reading my blog! I really appreciate it! My blog is about basically anything, mostly events in my life, and sometimes I'll add my art. I try to keep my blog upbeat, enjoyable, and unique - I hope you enjoy it!
For any questions, complaints, or suggestions, or whatever email me at
The secret agent from colorguard
Quick story- So 2 competitions ago I saw this guy- he was in an all out suit, and had sunglasses on, with wires coming down from his ear. Walking next to my friend, I "whispered" ( I was on sugar, so I was talking really loud) to her "HE LOOKS LIKE A SECRET AGENT!!" almost right after, he turned and said- "I am one."
Like this:
So at the next competition, I thought I saw him again.
I tried to get my friend's attention... and it all went downhill from that
The Last of the Unicorns- Preview
:P so-- I used markers, but I I didn't realize how bad they turned out with the scanner.
*SO* I'll be redoing this in pencil. This will be a preview

*SO* I'll be redoing this in pencil. This will be a preview

A Lesson Re-Learned
:/ Sorry for those who are sick of my "learn a lesson" posts, but this has been bugging me all day, and I need to get it down somewhere. Not in my notebook, or in my diary. Somewhere where somebody will see this, and hopefully prevent it from happening to somebody else. I'm working on a illustrated post next time. :)
I can't remember when I stopped caring about the faces in the distance laughing at me. I remember them all of those eyes watching me being so clear and focused . They were waiting for me to goof up and remind me of who I was- a loser. A loser with no real friends, and no social skills. I remember if I got a cold sore, I'd beg my mom to not let me go to school. "Mom, they won't understand. They'll make fun of me." Almost everyday I'd make some sort of excuse during recess to get my mom to come pick me up, so I wouldn't have to play alone. My mom said that on someday I'd run home crying because some kid made fun of me. But suddenly, when I slowly- not within a day, most likely years- the clarity of everyone's impressions started getting fuzzy. I still noticed them though.
I don't remember when the faces started getting focused again. I think it was when I had lost most of my friends in 7th grade. It might of been during the summer of 8th grade. But I started grasping for everyone's approval. I started noticing the people who were showing their disapproval of my decisions, and expressed them. I don't know why, but I tried to be their friends. I'd try to impress them, they'd be impressed, but once they stopped, I'd crawl on the ground looking for a new way to impress them. I'd draw pictures, I'd talk, I'd listen, I'd act, I followed demands. But what I didn't realize is I needed to just stop impressing them. When I finally slammed the door on the faces, I turned around, and saw the friends who were accepting me for who I was the whole time. I started believing in myself and making friends. But instead this time- I didn't change. I was surprised when the boy from orchestra talked back to me when I blabbed my giant mouth off, and didn't try to shrug me off. I talked the head off of the girl who was in my drama class, who just sat and listened.
By the end of 9th grade- I forgot entirely about why I cared so much about everyone else. Well- not entirely. I wish I did just forget, but there was still a group of girls I still desperately wanted approval from, the YW from my ward. Guaranteed, not all of them judged me, in fact plenty of them were really close to me. But the majority of them shut me off. I was the only girl my age, and the girl who was closest to my age hated me the most.
The camp before I moved, I thought I had finally gained their acceptance. I opened up to them, and started talking to them about my family situation. They shared some of theirs, and then we started talking about nonsense. I moved convinced that every girl there missed me.
This weekend I remembered why. I was visiting my old ward on Sunday for church. As it was- I was in a bad mood. My dad just pulled me away from my friends, even though he told me that I was going to be able to attend the homecoming. ( :P For those who don't speak my lingo- Homecomings are the talks that LDS missionaries give to their ward after they come back.)
I was standing up after sacrament- and started wobbling ( I rolled my ankle again...-___-' I took off my brace early) over to the group of the old faces I knew when I noticed their facial expressions. It was like a punch in my stomach- after expecting hugs and expressions of love, they were talking, rolling their eyes, and skeptically looking at me. They had grabbed a knife and stabbed my heart that I left unprotected.The girls I thought that I had made friends with finally were rejecting me all over again. I just stood there, awkwardly wishing somebody would mention that I was back. But instead they just gave me the looks that they gave me way before I moved. After the lengthened minute of me standing near, but not in their circle, one of the YW ran up to me and gave me a unforgettable hug. Tears almost coming to my eyes, I was reminded of why I missed that ward so much. Because despite the girls who faked their friendship with me, this girl, and a few others actually cared for me.
After that- everything has been catching me off guard, and I react with either depression or anger. I don't know why- but I'm still bugged about it. I can't let it go, a wound I thought was healed for good was cut open.
Question for the Readers from me is:
What's your opinion about Valentines Day?
My Answer:
-__-' I love it- but I don't. I don't hate couples just because I don't choose to have a boyfriend or date yet. I mean it's cute to watch girl's faces when they get a rose from their crush or boyfriend, but I HATE it when some guy thinks it's a chance for him to get a girl to make out with in the hallway. (Visa Versa) I also think it's a great day to remind us to tell our friends and family that we love them.
Question for the Readers from me is:
What's your opinion about Valentines Day?
My Answer:
-__-' I love it- but I don't. I don't hate couples just because I don't choose to have a boyfriend or date yet. I mean it's cute to watch girl's faces when they get a rose from their crush or boyfriend, but I HATE it when some guy thinks it's a chance for him to get a girl to make out with in the hallway. (Visa Versa) I also think it's a great day to remind us to tell our friends and family that we love them.
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:) A valentine from Mini Zebraunicornasiss to you! |
Last year I took sewing, the class was really boring and all of the patterns we got were hideous. And if we were given fabric, it also, would be hideous. The class could have been extremely queit and boring, but it wasn't for one reason. I had so many friends in that class it wasn't funny. If we were given ugly fabric and and ugly pattern, we'd laugh at our products and complement everybody else's. We would race through the projects so we could make our own things with the scraps. Most of the time, we'd throw them away after laughing about it. My friend Rissa was amazing with the sewing maching. When I was struggling with my bobbin tangling, Rissa would be done with the pajamas, and would be sewing random patterns on the scrap fabric. One time, when I actually caught up to her, I didn't know what to do. After thinking about it for way too long, my goal was decided. I was going to make the world's ugliest doll for my friend, with the ugliest fabric we had. After making up a pattern, and sewing, I came up with this (without the dress and bow) :

When most people see her, they think of Lilo and Stitch, but other than their both misunderstood, I don't think that they're that much alike
Well- after giving Ulga (her name) to my friend, she gave it to a friend who we were joking about him dating the doll, he gave it away,etc, etc. Long story short I demanded the doll back because I found out she ended up with a tatoo on the back of her head and was being used as a toy for a dog. After getting her back, my five year old sister (who was four then) demanded we give her a makeover to make her prettier.
So- the last day of sewing class, I made her a dress, and put a bow on her. After bringing her home, my little sister adored her "OH! She's so pretty! Please Eva, can I keep her?" Avoiding her eyes, I explained that Ulga was very important to me, but she could play with her when she wanted (If you met her- you'd understand, looking away is the best way to say no)
Anyways the moral to the story is: Be with the ones you love, and who love you back, because the ones who just want to hurt you aren't worth it.
*~The End ~*
When most people see her, they think of Lilo and Stitch, but other than their both misunderstood, I don't think that they're that much alike
Well- after giving Ulga (her name) to my friend, she gave it to a friend who we were joking about him dating the doll, he gave it away,etc, etc. Long story short I demanded the doll back because I found out she ended up with a tatoo on the back of her head and was being used as a toy for a dog. After getting her back, my five year old sister (who was four then) demanded we give her a makeover to make her prettier.
So- the last day of sewing class, I made her a dress, and put a bow on her. After bringing her home, my little sister adored her "OH! She's so pretty! Please Eva, can I keep her?" Avoiding her eyes, I explained that Ulga was very important to me, but she could play with her when she wanted (If you met her- you'd understand, looking away is the best way to say no)
Anyways the moral to the story is: Be with the ones you love, and who love you back, because the ones who just want to hurt you aren't worth it.
*~The End ~*
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